Clinton Foundation Corruption

The Clinton Foundation is an organization that claims to work to give everyone a chance to succeed and improve the lives of people around the world.  The organization was founded by Bill Clinton in 1997.  The Clinton Foundation is run by the Clinton family including Bill, Hillary, and Chelsea Clinton.  Recently, numerous investigations are being* conducted by the FBI and IRS in an effort to probe the possible corruption within the Clinton Foundation.

The investigation was commenced soon after an investigative company named MDA Analytics LLC compiled 6, 000 pages of information regarding the misappropriation of funds and overall corruption on behalf of the Clinton Foundation.  MDA Analytics LLC is a group of former federal criminal investigators who analyze charity related organizations and expose any corruption they find.  In return, they receive compensation from the government.  This would explain why they do what they do and eliminate the question of what their motivation was.  Their evidence submission was later verified by a 48 paged document that consisted of 95 sources of evidence including internal legal reviews that were conducted in 2008 and 2011 by the Clinton Foundation itself.

The initial document stated that, “There is probable cause that the Clinton Foundation has run afoul of IRS rules regarding tax-exempt charitable organizations and has acted inconsistently with its stated purpose.”  

In addition, the U.S House of Representatives and U.S Senate both ban payments from other countries to any member of the House of Representatives of Senate, or any organization directly affiliated with a member of congress, when that country is seeking to do business with the U.S or seeking action to be taken by the U.S.  Hillary Clinton was a member of the U.S Senate from 2001-2009.  Moreover, the Clinton Foundation, which is directly connected to Hillary, received donations from Oman, Qatar, Kuwait, and Algeria which at the time were all seeking action from the U.S government.  After receiving those payments and cashing a $500, 000 check, Hillary met with the Algerian prime minister.

The Clinton Foundations acknowledged these events saying, “As with other global charities, we rely on the support of individuals, organizations, corporations and governments who have the shared goal of addressing critical global challenges in a meaningful way,” showing that these illegal events happened but everyone should be okay with it because the money is going to benefit others around the world.  Was that the truth or was she accepting those payments as compensation for voting on laws and bills that foreign countries found favorable?  Even James Comey, a former FBI Director, commented on previous investigations regarding the Clinton Foundation calling them “extremely careless” and that there was significant evidence of illegal activity.  However, he refused to comment or suggest any consequences or legal action.

Furthermore, the Clinton Foundation used some of its money to assist with Hillary Clinton’s position in the State Department.  The Clinton Foundation paid Sidney Blumenthal roughly $200, 000 a month to advise Hillary Clinton on matters involving her position in the State Department.  This is a direct violation of the Clinton Foundation’s mission to use funds to help others and improve the world.

In conclusion, the Clinton Foundation is not the charity it claims to be but rather a liberal organization that wrongfully uses many funds to support the political campaigns and messages of the Clinton family in addition to lining their pockets.

*=As of late 2018
