Charles Schumer Legal Fraud and Lies

Charles Schumer was born in Brooklyn, New York, 1950.  He received a degree from Harvard and then moved on to pass his bar exam and earn a degree in law in 1975.  He served in the New York State Assembly from 1974-1980 becoming the youngest member since Theodore Roosevelt.  In addition, he became the senior senator for New York in 1988 and won reelections for senate in 2004, 2010, and 2016.  Charles Schumer, commonly referred to as Chuck, is a member of the Democratic Party.

Chuck Shumer opposed Donald Trump’s tax plan in 2017 saying that it was “completely focused on the wealthy and the powerful – not the middle class.”  However, Donald Trump’s proposed tax law did not increase any income rates.  It decreased by 3% for those earning between $9, 525 and $38, 700, or the lower class.  It also decreased 3% for those earning between $38, 700 and $82, 000 which is the middle class.  For those earning between $200, 000 and $500, 000 it increased 2% and for those earning over $500, 000 it decreased 2.6%.  This shows that income taxes decreased by the most for the lower and middle classes while it increased for the second highest tax bracket.  This directly contradicts with Schumer’s statement about how it only benefits the rich because it helps the lower and middle classes more than it helps the rich and for one upper class bracket it even harms them.  Below the proposed tax bracket is shown: 

Chuck Shumer also commented on oil prices in an ABC “This Week” interview saying, “When the price for oil goes up on the markets, it goes right up, but it never goes down.”  However, if you look at the chart shown below* (inflation adjusted) this is clearly not the case.  Oil prices began to decline steeply around the year 2012.

*=For some it may be down below.

Shumer also voiced his very strong viewpoints on the Kavanaugh investigation saying that there is “no presumption of innocence or guilt” because it is a “fact-finding proceeding” and not a court case.  However, both the United States constitution in the sixth amendment and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights say an individual is innocent until proven guilty.  The Universal Declaration of Human Rights says, “Everyone charged with a penal offence has the right to be presumed innocent until proved guilty.”  This means that Kavanaugh had the right to be assumed innocent p.  Even now there isn’t enough adequate information to prove him guilty, so as a result he is presumed innocent.  This is the opposite of Shumer’s claims that Kavanaugh can not be presumed innocent.

In conclusion, Charles Shumer lied about Trump’s tax plan, oil prices, and the Kavanaugh investigation in an effort to bring down the credibility of two conservative figures, Donald Trump and Brett Kavanaugh, and to ultimately bring down conservatism as a whole.
